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Did Travis Barker Just Reveal His and Kourtney Kardashian’s Very Unusual Baby Name?

When it comes to baby names, the Kardashian family is known to pick very unusual ones: Kim, for example, has daughters named North and Chicago, while Kylie Jenner called her son “Wolfe” before later changing it to Aire. Turns out, Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian will be no exception.

Travis Barker recently revealed that he and Kourtney are planning to name their son Rocky. He explained in the podcast "One Life Once Chance With Toby Morse," that he was unable to play at a benefit in Hawaii because it falls “the week that Rocky’s due,” which prompted Morse to clarify, “Rocky Thirteen Barker”? The elder Barker then repeated the name. Barker also made a joke about its association with the famous boxing movie: “He’s going to come out of my wife’s vagina, like, doing front kicks and push-ups.”

The name Rocky has associations far beyond Sylvester Stallone, however: Back in July, Barker mentioned during an interview with "Complex" that that's the name that has been going in his head. “Rocky George played guitar for Suicidal Tendencies,” Barker said, and as for the middle name of Thirteen - “Thirteen is just the greatest number of all time.”

Although the world won’t know for sure until Baby Barker arrives, it seems like Rocky is the newest addition to the Kardashian brood.

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