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Priscilla Presley Pt.2

When you think of Priscilla, her black beehive hair with double set lushes, and very 60s style is likely what comes to mind. It's how she dressed for the majority of her relationship with Elvis, It's the look she had for the birth of Lisa - right before she left for the hospital and was in labor, she went to do her hair and makeup and also requested special permission to have a double set of lashes on during the birth because she was so determined to look perfect for Elvis all the time.

It's also the look she had during their 7-minute-long wedding, but at least she got to pick out the wedding dress. The dress she wore is pretty simple compared to her usual looks, and that's likely because she was sick of the extreme styles that Elvis had her wear, or "camouflage", as she calls it in her book.

Here is a picture of her being wheeled out of the hospital with her newborn looking like she just got done from a photoshoot.

Elvis was also very specific about the colours he wanted her to wear - essentially, they were the same colours he wore, so she would match him. He did not want her wearing anything with large pins because it was too distracting, and no browns or dark greens, because they reminded him of his time in the military. During this time, she became the female version of him. She was not allowed to have any interests of her own because that would take away time from being dedicated to him.

Priscilla even started wearing high collars, which was Elvis's signature - he believed his neck was too long, so naturally hers was too, and had to be covered up. Anytime she wore something that Elvis did not approve of, he would send her back to her room to change, and she did as she was told because her sole ambition was to face him, even if that meant going against her style.

It was not until she was 27 that she started to become her own person outside of what Elvis wanted. After she left her hair and makeup heavily toned down, her style in the 70s was still very chic but more classy and represented a lot of the trends at the time.

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